(908) 508-9444
Airbrush F.A.Q.
Will I turn yellow or orange from UV-Free Spray Tan? NO, we ensure each client receives an enhancement to their natural tan color. The tanning solution does not contain chemicals or dyes that many solutions contain. We offer premium solutions from Norvell’s Amber Sun and California Tans UV-Free tanning line of products.
How does a UV-Free Spray Tan solution work? The ingredient that tans your skin is dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a color less sugar that interacts with dead skin cells to create the tanned color. The DHA causes a reaction with the proteins in the outer most layers of the skin, which causes the color of the skin to change, producing a beautiful natural tan. A spray tan does not dye the skin; the immediate color you see when your tan is applied is a color guide or bronzer that helps the technician not miss any sections. This also allows you to instantly see your tan. The DHA starts to react with the skin within minutes of the application and continues to do so for up to 24 hours. A spray gun is used to spray a combination of warm air and UV-Free tanning solution directly onto the skin, which dries almost immediately. In less than 15 minutes you can have a flawless tan that will develop over the next several hours. ​
When should I set up an appointment? We recommend that you make your appointment 24 to 48 hours before your event. If you want to keep your beautiful tan, set up your spray tanning sessions 5 to 7 days apart.
How can I make an appointment? Call us at 908-508-9444 to make an appointment.
Is the UV-Free Spray Tan session done by a machine? No, Our UV-Free Spray Tanning sessions are done by a trained professional completely by hand using a HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure) spray gun. This allows your spray tan to be unique and custom to what you desire.
Will a UV-Free Spray Tan ruin light clothing such as a wedding dress? No, the tan will not ruin any light clothing as long as they are not silk or satin. However, ensure that you have the tan applied at least 1 day before you intend to wear any light colored clothing. Also remember to shower twice to ensure that all the bronzer has washed off.
How do I prepare for a UV-Free Spray Tan? This is very important. For the maximum results, before your session, shower and exfoliate your skin. Make sure your skin is totally FREE of perfumes, lotions, oils, deodorants, gels, hair sprays or any product on the skin that would create a barrier or cause the tan to develop unevenly. Also please be sure to remove all your jewelry.
What should I wear during my UV-Free Spray tanning session? You may wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Whether you wear nothing, underwear, a G-string or a swim suit is completely up to you. You may want to take into account clothing that you will be wearing over the next few days. For example if you are getting an spray tan and want to wear a bra while getting sprayed, then think about the style of dress you will be wearing such as a strapless dress in this circumstance. If you want to wear a bra we would recommend a strapless bra to avoid tan lines or go topless during your session. Ensure any clothing that is worn immediately after the application of the tan is dark in color to prevent the risk of staining it. After your spray tan you should wear loose preferably cotton clothing with flip flops. Please note that the solution should wash out of every fabric except silk or satin. Most clients will wear an old bathing suit or older bra and underwear. Hairnets and nose filters are supplied free of charge. Gentlemen are not allowed to spray tan nude, please wear underwear or bath suit.​
Should I shave or wax before or after I get my UV-Free Spray Tan? Whether you shave or wax is completely up to you, both should be done before your spray tan. Ideally shaving should be done at least 8 hours before and waxing at least the day before. Note, when waxing ensure that all wax is removed otherwise the tan will stick to the wax and will appear very dark where the wax has not been removed. Shaving after the application will take off some of your spray tan, so shave when you really need to and ensure that your blade is sharp. Also you may want to purchase a take home product so you can touch-up your legs if necessary.
How soon will I see results from the UV-Free Spray Tan? You will receive an immediately, an all-natural looking tan that will continue to develop, adhere to your skin and become darker over the next 10 to 24 hours.
How long will my UV-Free Spray Tan last? There are a number of factors that affect how long a tan will last. Preparation and aftercare is very important. If you want to extend the life of your sunless tan there are certain things you can do. This means thoroughly exfoliating your skin before your UV-Free Spray Tan session. Try taking only 1 quick cool shower per day and moisturizing each and every time after you shower. Avoid sweating and the ocean, pools and hot tubs Depending on your skin type and how the solution reacts with your skin, your sunless tan can last anywhere from 5-7 days. Everyone’s skin type and activities are different. Humid weather may cause you to sweat more than normal.
Will a UV-Free Spray Tan cause freckles in people who usually freckle when tanning? No. There is nothing in the tanning solution that will cause more freckles to break out. In fact, in most cases, freckles and blemishes will become less pronounced because the lighter skin areas will darken and reduce the color differentiation between the blemishes and the rest of the skin.
Will swimming affect my UV-Free Spray Tan? Pool, ocean and hot tub water will fade your tan and can cause possible streaking. It is recommended to avoid these waters for the first 24 - 48 hours. When swimming try to only go for a short time, rinse off in fresh water soon after and dab yourself dry or air dry.​
How long should I wait after my UV-Free Spray Tan session before showering? To give your spraytan enough time to fully develop, it is recommended waiting 10 - 24 hours after your spray tan session. The longer you wait the better! Showering sooner may diminish the intensity of the tan. It is important NOT to use a wash cloth or harsh soap during the first shower. Try to take a quick cool water shower. Simply use your hand with only water to wash skin. Just use soap where needed. Be sure to only dab yourself dry then moisturize your entire body with a really good lotion.
Does a UV-Free Spray Tan provide SPF protection? No, although your skin looks like it is well protected with your spray tan it does not mean that you will not get burnt. It is very important to remember to use a sunscreen with SPF if you are going to be in the sun.
Will a UV-Free Spray Tan work on my skin? Yes, it will definitely work on your skin! On very fair skin we apply a very light spray or we will use a PH Balancing prep spray if you are concerned about going to dark or getting an orange hue. ​
Can I tan after or before my UV-Free Spray Tanning session? Yes, you can tan before and after your spray session. However, avoid the tanning beds for 24 hours. Stand-up booths are fine. The beds tend to make your back sweat.
Can I go work-out after my UV-Free Spray Tanning session? We recommend that you avoid working-out or sweating for 48 hours. Anytime that you sweat this will definitely diminish your UV-Free spray tan.
​Have additional questions?
Are you ready to get your flawless tan?
Please call 908-508-9444 for your UV-Free Spray Tan appointment today!